The PKR Masters is a prestigious monthly event that allows sharks and grinders the opportunity to earn tournament success. Also held simultaneously is the PKR Mini Masters with low buy-ins but big prizes.
Enter the Masters with a buy-in under $1
The PKR Masters is a $50,000 guaranteed tournament with a $150 buy-in that has seen many players with historic wins since 2008. The main tournament is held on the first Sunday of every month with first prize of at least $10,000 that goes to the last player standing in the tournament. Players can buy in directly with a $150 ticket or qualify through daily satellites starting from as low as $0.60 in Sit & Go satellites and $1.50 in MTT satellites. Alternatively, players can use their PKR Points where 1000 points gets them entry to the satellites. The PKR Masters features a deep stack structure and some fast action with 20 minute blinds and starting stack of 5,000 chips.
Mini Masters – take the first step to poker stardom
One of the other popular tournaments is the PKR $10,000 Mini Masters hosted by the poker site on the second Saturday of every month. With over a 1,000 entries on average, this is definitely one of the most sought after tournaments with a low buy-in of $6 but a nifty first prize worth $2,500. The Mini Masters is designed for poker players that want a taste of the action before entering the PKR Masters. The tournament is a great way for new players to build their bankroll and make a name for themselves on the circuit. Apart from the $6 buy-in, fans can book their place through satellites starting from $0.11.
Compete against thousands of players
PKR boasts of as many as 1,000 poker players online at any given time at around 150 active poker tables. This presents a great chance for everyone to boost their poker playing skills and get ready for some hot action in the PKR Masters and Mini Masters. Since the launch of both tournaments, thousands of dollars have been won. One of the biggest fields in the Mini Masters was 2,969 runners in August 2010 with a top prize worth $2,673. For details on how to make your way to the tournaments visit PKR today.